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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It didn't get above zero today. When it's below zero, it's a different kind of cold. It's an uncomfortable chill that brings out urgency survival thinking where your body demands to get inside as soon as possible. Kinda like when you have to go to the bathroom NOW and it becomes such an urgent matter that nothing else can be thought about or discussed until you sit down. Then afterwards, you're like "Hmm, that was kinda silly." Yes, it is just like that for me.

I really love all the icicles that form all over up here. This one is crooked like the tip started to fall off but the main part wouldn't let go.

I finally threw myself into the snow and made a snow angel the other day. It was a warm day, in the 30's, so I didn't freeze. The dogs were really excited that I joined them. They had to jump all over me to show me their approval and figure out what I was doing.
Tilt your head, her head is on the left and her feet on the right. Scott helped me up so I would have a nice angel. She is almost a foot deep and I realized that this is the first snow angel I have ever made that ended up pure snow, no grass or dirt can be seen. Minne snow angels are prettier than Texas snow angels.

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