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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Here's a bunch of pictures from around our neighborhood. I really love the beautiful landscape. There are so many trees up here, it's like East Texas with bigger trees. 

This is in the backyard out our bathroom window in the morning. That is why there is a blue tint.

 These are big, beautiful pines behind the church around the corner from the house.

Coming into the neighborhood. The plows come through willy, nilly, unannounced and cover the driveways, sidewalk paths, mailboxes, everything. Then we have to go out and dig everything out AND there's a law against shoveling it into the street. Hmmpft. 

Here's our mailbox. It sits over 4 feet off the ground. Now to be fair it has been plowed onto several times but the yards are 3-5 feet deep as well.

See, Scott is standing in the driveway and our yard is DEEEEP!!! I cannot believe the snow. I never knew people lived like this.


  1. lots of trees mean lots of birds. You will need to blog about them too, in spring.

    1. Definitely! We have so many trees my vegetable garden will be very small. But the squirrels and birds will make up for it.
