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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

So I'm going to compile some pictures of the Poopers. I never want to become "one of those people" but when you're learning how to take great pictures with a new camera, you use what you got. Hence, I have the Poopers and a husband who never smiles. So, here we go... 
Mandy is the dark 100% dachshund and 
Maggie is the lighter 1/4 chihuahua, 3/4 dachshund.


  1. Mandy & Maggie say, "we like Texas better."

    1. Mandy especially. She stayed outside almost entire days in Texas. We had to make her come inside! Now, poor baby, she stares out the glass on the back door and just watches. They can take around 10-15 minutes then they're just too cold. We aren't acclimated yet.
